First-year students were challenged to design and make a two colour reduction lino print. There was a great emphasis places on creating texture using the lino cutting tools to show the features of the woodland animals. The animals in students’ lino prints acted as a stimulus for creative story-writing. The animals became characters and from there, stories were shaped. Students had a chance to be creative and imaginative, while improving their literacy skills.
Stuart Stag gets Hungry
Once upon a time in faraway wood, there lived a stag called Stuart. One day, Stuart Stag was very hungry so he went on a search for food outside. Stuart Stag’s favourite food were daisies but when he went out, he couldn’t find any. What a dilemma! Then, he met Sammy Squirrel, a friend of Stuart. He loved daisies too. He said he knew where to find some. Off they went in search of some daisies. Eventually, they came to the place where the daisies grew and together, they had the biggest feast known to stag-kind. They weren’t hungry anymore and they lived happily ever after!
Lord Preston Quembley Esquire, the Fifth
Once upon a time, there was a puffin called Lord Preston Quembley Esquire, the Fifth. He was very silly. Every day, he had pot noodles for breakfast, but, this very day he was interrupted before he had breakfast. The interruption was a noise from outside. He looked out and saw… A HOLE IN A BOAT!
The boat was sailing off without noticing the hole. Lord Preston Quembly Esquire, the Fifth had to do something, but what! At that second, he remembered his grandad in the same situation. He then knew what to do. He left his pot noodles on the table and flew down to the dock and bought a boat.
The boat was a small, red speed boat. It went at 70mph. Lord Preston Quembly Esquire, the Fifth hopped into the boat and when he reached the big ship, he plugged the hole with his beak! Lord Preston Quembly Esquire, the Fifth saved the ship from sinking.
Walter the Water Vole
One day out in the countryside, Walter the water vole went for a short stroll. As he walked by a small lake, he saw a tasty walnut cake. He ate the tasty treat and walked along whistling his favourite song. Soon he came across a fox which had some unusual purple socks. He walked back home and so did the fox but there was something Walter didn’t see. The fox made the cake, and the cake was a fake!
Fernando the Frog
Fernando is a poison arrow frog. He is a very caring frog but he is lonely. He is poisoned so he can’t go too near his friends which makes him sad. His best friend Freddy wants to make him feel better so helps him find a solution. Freddy has an idea. If Fernando wears a coat, he can’t poison anyone. They go out together and try find things to make a coat. They need lots of leaves and strong grass to tie them together to make a coat. They finally find everything. Their friend, Philip helps them to put the coat together. Now, Fernando is very happy and spends all his time with his friends!
Mr. Mousey is Hungry
Mr. Mousey is very hungry but he has no food left. He checks all his cupboards and even his fridge but he has eaten all his food. Mr. Mousey decides to look for some food. Mr. Mousey checks outside in his garden. He is sad because he can’t find any food. He decides to look for food in a nearby person’s house. He checks the bedrooms in the house but there is no food. He checks the bathrooms in the house but there is no food. Mr. Mousey checks the kitchen and find some nuts! He is happy because he is not hungry anymore.